St Mark's Church Jersey

Giving & Mission Support

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you so that in all things at all times; having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:7-9

The whole range of the work at St Mark’s with the people of the local parish is dependent, under God, on the generous giving of church family members and others.

The vast majority of our income comes from donations made by members of the congregation or other well wishes. As we experience and see how loving and generous God has been to us in Christ we want to respond in joyful generosity to the work of His Kingdom.

We ask all members of the family at St Mark’s to consider how they can give to the life and growth of the Church both here and the World. St Mark’s is a district Church that relies totally on the generous giving of it’s members.


The most helpful way to give is in a regular committed way, such as a standing order. This allows us to plan our finances much more easily. Please download a form here.


If you wish to make a one-off donation to the work at St Mark’s this can be done by sending a cheque (payable to St Mark’s Jersey) to the church office. You can also send money directly to our bank account (details below).


As a church, we are going to be giving a portion of our monthly income away to support mission and ministries, in Jersey and beyond, which are close to our hearts. If you would like to be part of the team who decides where this money goes, please get in touch.

It’s easy to set up a standing order with your bank:

Non-Profit Organisation – NPO 0316
Download a form here or contact the Church office for a gift aid form to add 20% extra to your giving at no extra cost.

It’s easy to set up a standing order with your bank:

Non-Profit Organisation – NPO 0316


SORT CODE: 30-94-61 (Lloyds)
ACC NO: 10245862


SORT CODE: 30-94-61
ACC NO: 10246262

Download a form here or contact the Church office for a gift aid form to add 20% extra to your giving at no extra cost.

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